I apologize for not updating this much, but truth is, I haven't had much to say. Our life is slightly monotonous right now...
Adam is studying/flying his ass off finishing up his training. He has his commercial check ride on Monday and then moves onto the final stages of training, his Certified Flight Instructor and Certified Flight Instructor Instrument ratings and then he will be done. Should be another 2 months.
As for me...I work, look for new work, ride when I can, go to horse shows to cheer on my friends, and scoot up to NH for visits. We did have one weekend of excitement, went on a cruise to the Caribbean, which was a super fun time! There, you're caught up.
I'm writing today, because I do actually have some news...
We're moving. Again!
We've really hemmed and hawed about what to do when our lease ends in August. Really, we would like to buy...Now is the time, everyone is saying. But after deliberation, we have decided that now is not the time for us and we will continue renting for another year or two. However, we do not want to stay in our apartment. I just don't like it. The only thing going for it is that it's relatively inexpensive.
So, I broached the subject with our landlord. She said that she has several properties that she'd be happy to show us. We looked at a couple yesterday and found one that I think suits us pretty well. It's a small red house with a basement apartment. We will be living in the house part and there is a UCONN professor that lives in the basement apartment. He only spends two days a week there during the school year and he goes away ALL summer. Score! OH, and heat, hot water AND electricity are included in the rent. Double score! OH, and it has a lovely backyard, prime for bbqs. Triple score! OH, and we can walk to the new place from our apartment, so moving is going to be a breeze.
As you might be able to tell, I'm excited. We're moving this weekend...So, if you're in the area and looking for something to do, I can keep you busy for a few hours, with payment of a bbQ and beers in our new back yard!