Monday, March 24, 2008

Quenching the thirst

Adam made us grilled cheese’s for lunch today and while we were eating…

Amy: Can I have a sip of your drink?
Adam: [picks up his can of ginger ale to feel how much he has left, and then puts it down.] Nope. [smiling]
Amy: Why not?
Adam: I ask you at the beginning of every meal if you want a drink and you always say ‘no’, and then in the middle of eating you ask for a sip of my drink, and you drink most of it. It’s annoying.
Amy: Is this your way of teaching me a lesson?
Adam: Yep.
Amy: You’re an ass.

Then, as I got up to get my own ginger ale, I started laughing, because it is so true, not five minutes before, he asked what I wanted to drink with lunch. My response? Nothing.


Maggie said...

Clearly Adam never watched Care Bears when he was growing up because Share Bear always says, "Sharing is Caring."


amy said...

Sharing is caring, I remember that!!!

mcw said...

I say, "If the shoe fits, wear it."
Bravo Adam!
Don't do that too often, though, because you will pay.

Marc said...

good for him.

the wisdom's in the trees, not the glass windows - j.j.