Monday, October 8, 2007

Sugar Honey Iced Tea

I learned last night, as I was running around looking for tip money for the pizza delivery guy - that it's about that time to start watching my mouth around Jackson.

"Swear words" were not permitted in our house growing up. I mean, really. We weren't even allowed to say "crap" or "shut up" - which I'm actually thankful for, because still to this day, I don't say "shut up" and I cringe when I hear it. Well, unless someone is saying something totally mind blowingly unbelievable to me, and it's used in a different way...For instance:

Jeannie: Did you hear that the Crocodile Hunter was killed by a stingray today?
Amy: SHUT UP...You're not serious.

So last night when Loni and I discovered as the pizza was being delivered to us that no, we did not have enough cash to cover it, I yelled out "shit" as I ran around dad's house hoping that there was some secret money stashed somewhere. As Loni did the same. Jackson thought this was pretty darn funny and was laughing at us in our mad dash. And then he repeated it. And laughed and laughed. Thankfully it sounded like he was just saying "it" - but as we stared at him, he had one of those laughs that come from the belly.

My friend Jeannie doesn't swear. She never has. Since I've known her, I can probably count the number of times she's slipped on one hand. I asked her about it once, and now I can't remember her reason. And when I talk to her, I don't swear either. But when you spend your weekends hanging out with a bunch of dudes on the river, it's easy to get in the habit and the swears flow off your tongue like they're nothing.

Sometimes though, for some reason it just feels really good to yell out an obscenity. I'm not sure why - it seems to add emphasis. Like, look, I really mean this or something. Who knows. But I'm going to have to keep those to myself when the little guy is around. Or I'm going to have my mouth washed out with soap by his parents.


Moody Family said...

Oh, bad words. Growing up the adults could say them, but if we did..... the consequences weren't pretty. I am sorry to say that I have a bit of a potty mouth at times. I swore I wouldn't say those things around Jason, but when you smash your toe (a daily occurance), burn something on the stove (also a normal thing), lock yourself out of your car, get locked out of the house by a laughing 1.5 year old.... You get my point.... the bad words roll off my tongue like no other. I usually don't drop the big daddy of all words (only on rare occasions), but the word initialed G D........... that is common (I say it when I injure myself). So, at a ripe old age of 10 months, Jason said his first word, G D. Clear as day.... nothing came out of that mouth up to that point was that clear and nothing has been since except OH S**T. He said that in the car when he spilled milk down his front side. At first we decided to follow the usual rules with kids, ignore them, then they won't think it is cute therefore wont repeat it.... Yeah Right. That didn't work. Then we tried time out... what a joke...... Now we spank.... it is more effective, but not full proof. Now when I slip a bad word, he smacks my hand with his pointer finger and says bad. What am I going to do with that kid. So the moral of this story is kids will say what you say (in the same context) and they will have their parents attitude too. Lord help us.

GB said...

I'll help with the washing!!!

amy said...

uh oh. i'm in big trouble now.

Marc said...

Now...I remember growing up in that house...we wernt allowed to say such things (as no child should) BUT

when stuff went down it often did with Scott and I around...


when i heard those and hide cuz somethings amiss that aint right....

in my house?

yea...i am terrible...all the time with the profanity - i have gotten MUCH better - but i get the occasional "Want to slip in any more words we dont want Avery to say?" - happened just yesterday actually - during a normal every day conversation (that is without the being locked out or smashing toes)

crap boobs crap.

hell damn fart.

i needs to stop...

mcw said...

your grandchildren are bad - good thing you had wonderful children.

the wisdom's in the trees, not the glass windows - j.j.