This weekend the plan was to head over to Jamaica, Vermont to run the West river ( The West river is dam controlled and they release water two weekends a year - one in the spring which is a Saturday and Sunday release and one in the Fall - which is for one day only - Saturday. This is a beautiful river. One of the cool things about it, is that there is a hiking trail along the entire thing. So if you don't paddle, you can hike along with your buddies who do.
The West is a Class III. I decided to raft it this time and hopped on a friend's raft for a run. Adam did multiple runs in his boat and I got some shots...
It was a great day on the river. Temps were mild and it was sunny.
Sunday, we packed up and headed back home...we decided to stop in at our local park and play spot...for a little urban kayaking...yup - that's the highway, right above us.
If only osmosis learning would work.... Looks like it was a blast and who doesn't love the water, even though I don't have any clue about paddling. Keep up the wild fun.
keep up the good work!
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