Thursday, September 27, 2007


So another thing that happened over the weekend, that I didn't include in my weekend recap...

While we (Adam, our buddy Josh and me) were on our way out of Vermont, we stopped at this little cafe and had breakfast/lunch on their deck. Nothing fancy, just bagel sandwiches...But, we were sitting there enjoying the beautiful Vermont morning...When all of a sudden Adam is yelling at someone, over by our truck...Something about peeing and on your stuff.

Of course, my immediate reaction before I even know what is happening? I want to curl into a ball and hide. "Stop it...", I say to Adam.

Wait, what? What just happened?

I look over and see this woman walking the other direction away from the truck with a little yap dog at the other end of the leash she was holding.

Adam: That woman just let her dog pee all over the tire on the truck.
Amy: So?
Adam: Amy, that's disgusting. We put the keys in there all the time when we boat.
Amy: So, what's the big deal?
Adam to Josh: Amy is so afraid of confrontation, that she'd rather let someone walk all over her, than make them feel bad, by letting them know she feels bad about it.

It's something I've always done. Always. If there's the slightest chance that something could be controversial, I run. Sometimes, literally. It makes me sick to my stomach to think I might hurt some one's feelings.

Anyway, we got in the truck and headed home and I started thinking about it. Wait. He's right. I would NEVER let Kobe do that to some one's stuff. I was so focused on the fact that there was a confrontation, that I didn't even remotely think for a second that he may be right.

I've always admired people that have the self confidence to stand up for what they believe. Loni. Maggie. Marc. And so on. Sure, I might be a little ticked about what they say sometimes and don't always agree with them. But. I respect them for that. And I still love them.

When I posted the link to the webcast yesterday, the last thing that was on my mind was controversy. Really, I just wanted to let you all know about this, so you could get to know some candidates if you wanted to. I've always been a political nerdo. I was an intern at the Governor's Office when I was in college, for crying out loud.

But, when it started to get a little controversial with Maggie's comments - immediately, my heart sank a little. Oh no. Someone is going to say something back to that. It's going to get nasty. I don't want things getting nasty, not here.

Immediately, I wanted to think of something funny, light-hearted to post today. A joke, perhaps. Anything to get you to not read the comments from the last post. But then it hit me. Maybe a little FRIENDLY debate is OK sometimes. It gets us all thinking. And, maybe that's not a bad thing.

It's one baby step for me in an attempt to feel a little more comfortable with being uncomfortable.


OH...And my horse bit me last night. On the boob. That's funny, right? I can tell you what's not funny about it - it hurt AND left a mark!


Marc said...

wanna fight about it?

i dare you.

Moody Family said...

That is very funny, but painful.... oh so painful I am sure. As for confrontation... I don't like it, but am not afraid of it. I don't like people taking advantage of me, my friends and especially my family (or hurting them in any way shape or form). Yes, I am one of those tactless people that says whatever pops into my head. But, those that still like me understand that and those that don't like me can, as Bart would say, Eat my shorts. It is good to be who you are. If you avoid confrontation, you can't change that fact. It is a part of you. You shouldn't feel bad about it, that is why there are people the are so far on the other side, like me, that ballance things out. Just don't let people walk all over you..... that would be bad. Can't imagine any Warner letting that happen though.

amy said...

No, I don't want to fight about it!

Lori...Yep - I'll never be one of those people lookin' for a fight...! (see above) haha

Marc said...

but - what made you think you could post a POLITICAL item and not have a debate start?


amy said...

I'm dumb?

amy said...

It's not like I said, "I'm voting for X...and you should too."

That, I could see causing some controversy.

Anyway, I gotta get some work done.

Marc said...

i am so not voting for X. He cheated on his wife with a man while killing panda bear babies.

Maggie said...

Okay for some reason I don't think I would've cared about the dog peeing on the tire. Why? He was probably following the action of another dog. Would I have let my dog on a leash pee on somebody else's tire though? Nope.

Amy, you don't always avoid confrontation, and I know that for a fact. If it is something you are truly passionate about (cough, cough, yesterday), you are going to make sure your opinion is heard. I think we ALL sometime or another let things slide we wish we hadn't, but the most important thing to me is if you show compassion for things that matter the most to you.

Also, the people who are reading your blog aren't going to seriously get "nasty" with each other. Disagreement is natural, so is debate. At least we all know each other and can say what we want without feeling like we should duck and hide afterward. So keep on saying whatever you feel like, because hey, its your blog!

amy said...

hahaha, mag.

maggie and i had a lively offline discussion yesterday after i read her comment.


oh, i'm with you on the tire...who cares, really!

jen said...

I'm with you Amy. I am not able to confront people. Part of me just believes that i'm not going to change anyone's mind and i have no desire to argue for nothing. Marc just likes to argue until he gets that last word! I say, let everyone else bitch their lives away, I know what i think and it doesn't matter if you disagree

Marc said...

i do not like to argue until i get the last word....

nuh uh.

the wisdom's in the trees, not the glass windows - j.j.