Monday, December 3, 2007


So, life's short. We all know that. And we all want to appreciate the time we have on this planet while we're here. Sometimes, though - it's hard to look on the bright side, when it seems that nothing is going your way. And you want to tell people looking on the bright side, to shove it.

I had one of those weeks, last week where it seemed that nothing went my way and I was a little down in the dumps. It just so happened that on my way home from lunch with Grandma last week (one of the high points of the week for sure!) there were a couple of MD's on the NPR program, Talk of the Nation - and guess what they were discussing? Stress.

It was a pretty interesting conversation to be a fly on the wall for. Listeners called in with their tips to dealing with stress and by the end of the 20-or so minutes - I was laughing. Something I didn't do a whole lot of last week!

So, if you happen to be having one of those days, weeks, months...I would highly recommend listening to this:

Maybe you'll be looking at your life from a different perspective by the end too. Or you can just tell me to shove it.


Moody Family said...

Sorry to hear you had one of those weeks..... hopefully this week is much better.

The Breadmaker said...

I was driving home from clinicals and I listened to the same thing !!! Same scenario.....had a terrible day, too much to do, too little time and then NPR!!!! Great stress buster... plus Gary was home and made me a grilled cheese sandwich!

Marc said...

i submit to you:

shove it.

amy said...

breadmaker...I know!!! wasn't that a great little program...???

good thing you have a professional grilled cheese maker at home.

the wisdom's in the trees, not the glass windows - j.j.