Thursday, January 10, 2008

What it's all about

The NH Food Bank is in urgent need of some items. I'm guessing if this organization needs some help, so does your local Food Bank.

Something Hillary Clinton said when she was in the state campaigning this last week, really rang true for me...I'm paraphrasing here, but she said something like...

This is what it's all about: taking care of each other.

Adam and I gave a little less to each other for Christmas this year and made a $50.00 donation to the NH Food Bank. According to their web site this translates to 200 meals - wow! A little can go a long way.

Anyway, some a-holes smashed out the windows of the refrigerated vehicles that the NH Food Bank uses to transport food to the local food pantries last evening. The Director of the Food Bank made a plea on my local radio station this morning looking for local companies who do windshield repair to help them out so that food can still get to people that rely on it. Or for cash donations to fix them.

To combat the evil that occurred there last night, if you can, drop some food off at your local pantry or make a small cash donation. What may seem like a small thing to you, may mean that a kid has some food on the table this evening when she otherwise may not have.


petecobb99 said...

right on the mark...

mcw said...

good for you and adam!
there are a number of things that i've never understood about people and one is what satisfaction is derived from damaging another's property. this has nothing to do with whether or not it's an individual or a non-profit. i just don't get it.

petecobb99 said...

people can be stupid

amy said...

me either...i don't understand it.

the wisdom's in the trees, not the glass windows - j.j.