Monday, November 19, 2007

Big, happy sigh

"My flight was cancelled in Atlanta, so I had to be re-booked on another flight. What a mess."

"I had a three hour delay in Salt Lake."

I overheard several of these travel stories while checking into my hotel in NY last week. Secretly smiling to myself, because - for once - my travel experience was a breeze. The train was just so pleasant...No hustle and bustle. Show up, find a nice roomy, comfy seat and then head to your destination. I experienced no delays, the people were so friendly. It was just an all around great experience.

As for Manhattan, as one of my cab driver's said, "ahhh, it's just crazy..." At least the part of the city I was in, was. I was in mid-town, right in Times Square. It was cool though. I had a good time, feeling proud that this country bumpkin was able to hold her own in the big city. I was there to conduct interviews with some of our authors (while being videotaped!) for our web site. This was a big project that I had been working on for the last several months, working with them to craft some questions and just hammering out logistics. Thankfully, all of that hard work paid off, and everything went smoothly. Phew. So happy to have that behind me!

It was a really good trip, one thing I love about NY is being surrounded by people that are so different from me. I love hearing different accents and languages. For some reason, it makes the world seem a lot smaller and it's energizing.

I missed my boys though, and I'm happy to be home.


Marc said...

your phone said your message box was full when i tried to call...

your big city ways make you too good fro the rest of us?

amy said...

i'm laughing.

amy said...

yeah, i'm so big time now. Puhleeeze. all fixed now.

Marc said...

i was only calling to hem


Moody Family said...

Rock on!!! Glad the trip was a success and no air planes........ couldn't get much better than that.

the wisdom's in the trees, not the glass windows - j.j.