Wednesday, June 6, 2007

What Have I Become?!

Today I had to go make some copies and drop some manuscripts off at FedEx (see, Jeff...I do work - sometimes!). I brought my coworker, Kobe along - because who doesn't love to go for a car ride?

Anyway, it's a nice day and I decided an ice cream cone would be a tasty treat on my way back...the only place that was along the way was the big golden arches, so I pulled up to the drive up and what did I do?

I ordered myself a cone and my coworker a hamburger.

I ordered my dog a hamburger.

To some, this may seem like no big. But it is. It has been drilled into my head from birth that dogs do not eat 'people food.' Adam and I have had many a fight (not real ones, just me going, AAADDDAAMMM, stop feeding Kobe pepperoni/pizza crust/steak, etc.). Finally, I gave up - cause he kept feeding him the stuff...But he really likes it has always been his response.

Not only have I given up, I have given in. Sigh.


Maggie said...

What does Kobe like on his burger?

amy said...

he's partial to ketchup.

the wisdom's in the trees, not the glass windows - j.j.