Thursday, May 8, 2008

Roots and other things

The other day I was talking to Marc and I happened to look in the mirror realizing it was seriously time to get the roots done, and I thought it, out loud. "You dye your hair?", he responded. "Uh, yeah...since like for forever." "No kidding, I had no idea..." I was pretty shocked about this - how could he not know that those blond streaks come from a bottle? And then I remembered he's a boy and they are clueless about such things.

Anyway, I did just that this morning. And caught up with my hairdresser who I've had for at least ten years. I found out that she is also the hairdresser for the NH astronaut (Rick Linnehan) who recently went up in space - she has his autographed picture on her mirror. In case you were wondering where his styling 'do came from! Who knew my butt sat in the same chair as an ASTRONAUT? I wonder if that makes me smarter somehow, by association?

I've packed a lot into the few days that we've been home. In addition to catching up with my trusty hairdresser, among other things - I've run around with Jackson; gone for a bike ride; taken the dogs to the beach; smiled like I haven't in quite some time; cruised through P-town; oh and, I've had a Tuckerman's or two. Mmmmm.

Got a lot more to do and am looking forward to a summer packed full of good times.


Moody Family said...

Keep on having fun and enjoying your old stomping grounds... there is no place like home.

Jeffrey said...

I got your little joke. Good one. Oh wait maybe you don't know you made a joke now that your hair is blonder.

Glad you are feeling so good about being back in NH.

mcw said...

wouldn't that be assmosis?

sorry things didn't work out for you and Adam out west, but the great thing about the good old USA is that we can try things and move about freely.

keep on smiling.

amy said...

assmosis. hahahaha

the wisdom's in the trees, not the glass windows - j.j.