Monday, May 12, 2008

Hey, this is fun!

I'm not sure if I've written about this before, but I have this odd hatred for road bikers. It's a problem, I acknowledge this. I hate "Sharing the Road" with them. Not all road bikers, not your average Joe biker...But, the ones who think they're biking the Tour de France in all their spandex glory. Especially if they're in groups.

However...When we were out west, we each got a used mountain bike and yesterday, Adam and I went on our first "real" mountain bike ride. Marc told us about an old logging road that he used to ride on when he was in high school and we decided to go check it out. Lucky for us - the thing hasn't been built up yet. What a freaking blast this is...and a whew, what a workout.

There was mud. There were rocks. And, there was falling. If you haven't ridden a bike in awhile, I highly recommend it - you will guaranteed feel like a kid again.

1 comment:

mcw said...

except for the falling part, that sounds like fun!

the wisdom's in the trees, not the glass windows - j.j.