Monday, May 14, 2007

Lions and Tigers and BATS? Oh my.

Zack, I have to warn you - you may not want to read this one.

Adam and I arrived home last night after a weekend roadtrip out to the Berkshire's. This was a surprise birthday present from Mr. Adam and we had a kickin' time. Horseback riding both days through the hills. By the time we got home last night, we were beat though - and ready for bed. So we climbed in, just about ready to turn out the light and then I saw it. I got buzzed by a bat. In my bedroom.

So I did what any self-respecting girl would do - I stuck my head under the covers and screamed. Adam briefly thought this was a 'cute little bird' flying around our room. Briefly. He too eventually realized that this wasn't no cute robin - it was a blood-sucking, rabies-carrying bat. It was like we were under fire (which we basically were - the thing was dive-bombing us)..."Let's go, let's go - we gotta get outta here!" Adam said.

We ran out of the room, slamming the door behind us and started strategizing. "I think we should leave this to the professionals," I said. "we can just keep the bedroom door shut, sleep out in the living room and call someone to come and remove it in the morning - it'll be fun, like camping sorta." I immediately got the 'there is no way we're hiring someone to come and get this bat' look. "OK," I said. "How are we going to get it?"

"I'm going to make a net," Adam replied. And he did. He used one of our kayak gear bags, and a metal hanger. And then proceeded to get geared up. He wore a hooded sweatshirt, his motorcycle helmet, some huge boots and his work gloves. Then he went in. I heard some banging and a couple of choice words and then, "Amy, go grab the rake off the porch." I did, and threw it in the room, quickly shutting the door. I had no gear and was not going in there!

After what seemed like an hours long struggle, I heard the words I was waiting for..."OK, open the door - I got him." and then, "I think he's scared - he's actually kinda cute." Well, of course he's scared. He's got one big stormtrooper like creature chasing him with a net and a rake. And another one screaming.

Alls well that ends well, we released him outside. He's probably back in here somewhere, looking at me right now, planning round two. We have yet to figure out how exactly this little critter got in the house and until we do, there's no stopping him from coming back on in. Eek.


Maggie said...

Ahhh... there is so many things to comment on this blog:

1. Adam is amazing. You are so lucky!! Start hinting you want to come to Steamboat in the winter again.

2. This would have been one of those times when a built-in helmet cam would have been helpful.

3. I can't even imagine Adam in his bat-buster gear. Classic.

4. The bat wouldn't come back if you sent him off to bat heaven.

5. This story is freaking hilarious. Too funny!!!!

Zack and Jenny said...

I have to disagree with Maggie here. That story was not hilarious, it was terrifying. If I'm completly honest here, I peed a little bit while I read it.

Maggie said...

What happened to Bats Round II? Did you get it out of the office?

the wisdom's in the trees, not the glass windows - j.j.