Thursday, February 16, 2012

Skunk, 1 Chance, 0

As a rite of passage for every dog, Chance had his first encounter with a skunk this morning. Chance lost. Actually, Chance could care less...Amy lost. It occurred at about 5:00 this morning. As is the morning ritual, Adam let the boys out while he was getting ready for work, when he let them back in, that familiar aroma filled the house.

The "good" news? Kobe had a similar encounter last summer and in researching how to get rid of the stink, we did come across a good way to accomplish this.

-Get on an outfit that you don't care much about, cause you'll be tossing it in the trash when you're done. This includes gloves if you've got 'em.
-Get a roll of paper towels and start wiping your dog down - this takes off a lot of the oil from the skunk spray.
-Next, wash your dog with some water and a mild detergent. We use dish detergent.
-Towel dry if it's winter and you feel badly for your shaking puppy dog.

Chance is quite proud of himself, he doesn't think that he lost:


petecobb99 said...

skunks should not be out in winter...too cold for people to be dog-bathing!

Kat said...

So long as Chance thinks he won! I agree with that skunks should not be out in winter.

the wisdom's in the trees, not the glass windows - j.j.